The Dr. OZ detox diet

In his Dr. Oz Show, the famous physician is back to talk about diet and the role they play in the rapid detoxification weight loss and belly fat. Dr. Oz said that a detox diet strengthens the immune system and tones the entire body. Host of the live broadcast was Dr. Alejandro Junger, author of Clean Gut, who added that the detoxification fasting prevents heart disease, cancer, insomnia and depression. Junger has invited to cleanse your body with detox diet for 3 days, where liquid preparations must be undertaken that detoxify the body from damage caused by too much processed food and help to dissolve fat.

The rules for doing this diet, which lasts only 3 days, are:
  • Take only liquid meals for three days (without any kind of solid food).
  • The main liquid will be three meals plus a snack.
  • It is recommended that you take from 14 to 20 grams of protein per day (including dust).
  • The diet must include healthy fats.
  • For breakfast take a shake composed of these ingredients: one cup of unsweetened coconut milk, protein powder made from plants (one measure), almond butter (4tablespoons), vanilla extract (1 teaspoon) stevia as a sweetener.
  • For lunch take a shake composed of these ingredients: an Apple, one cup of coconut water, an avocado, fresh lime juice, fresh ginger.
  • For snack take a shake composed of these ingredients: a bowl of spinach, a cucumber,a stalk of celery, lemon juice, half Apple.
  • For dinner: a hot bowl of vegetable soup.
Dr. Oz has also suggested taking milk thistle to help with liver detoxification and a probiotic for fostering the growth of good bacteria in the intestine. The program can be followed for up to 10 days. The average loss is up to one pound per day.