Frugal Diet: The "Magical Soup"

After the big eat Christmas and year-end, including succulent (and FAT) dishes and elaborate dishes, and Panettone, Nougat and sweets different, definitely we feel a bit pienotti, a bit weighed down, and maybe it is time the appropriate time put a bit to diet ... I know that soon will be Carnival and who can resist a frappes and castanet??But in the meantime we can dispose of those extra pounds taken so far, and then you will see ...

The "diet" I propose with this post is a bit special, a diet that you can use in those times that we have a little overdone and we want to get back in shape. Since I'm not a dietitian, far be it from me to be misunderstood as such: I share with you this diet just because I think it looks pretty harmless and not detrimental to health, because it relies primarily on fruits and vegetables and only for a short period. However recommend it to anyone wanting to try to exercise prudence, to feel your body and consult a doctor if in doubt.

The diet of the "magical Soup" is an American diet, and for ingredients used quite frugal. There are various versions which do not vary greatly from one another. It is preparing a vegetable soup with special ingredients (see below) that you can eat all day when you are hungry. The diet lasts for one week and to accompany the soup there will be other foods each day varied, to make the deficit of those substances that naturally lack a simple vegetable soup. The diet is very poor and low-calorie carbohydrates.

Diet of "Magical Soup"

The diet should be followed for a week and is designed to burn body fat quickly. The secret lies in fact burning more calories than you consume through food. For the duration of the diet must not consume alcohol, because otherwise the metabolic process will be disturbed and the diet doesn't work anymore;-).

It is important not to eat or drink: bread, pasta, alcohol, juices or dietary beverages.
Only drink: tea, coffee, juices, centrifuged * fruit, low-fat milk and water, all without sugar!

(* I personally advice not to drink coffee at all for the duration of the diet, because caffeine can delay the process of weight loss. There are various opinions about this,but I see that is so much better for me. Do I not even if I drink tea and green tea or herbal tea).

The principal is aliment class from the soup you will ingest throughout the day when you are hungry. Do not eat fried, the chicken is fine but without skin and also fish (instead of meat). If you must take the medicine, there are no contraindications (but you should ask your doctor). Apparently the diet is also used by overweight patients who face an operation.

Here is the recipe for the soup:
  • 6 cipollette (those little green with the stem) or a large onion
  • 1 tin of peeled tomatoes
  • 1 cabbage large enough
  • 2 green peppers (large)
  • 4 or 5 stalks of celery
  • 1 nice bunch of parsley
  • 2 nuts
Cut all vegetables, put them in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. When the water boils put the dice and boil for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat and simmer until vegetables when cooked.
If you want you can lightly fry the onion and cabbage with a little olive oil and then add the other vegetables and water.

You can put more water if the soup you like more or less brood if you like it thicker.

Note for the soup:

with these ingredients you can prepare a good quantity of soup that will last a couple of days. Keep the soup in the fridge and heated only the portion that you want to eat.
You can flavor the various servings of soup with spices like curry, chili peppers or fresh herbs.

The soup should be ingested for a period of one week, and every day will be accompanied by other foods:
  • First day: fresh fruit. You can eat all fruits except bananas, melons and watermelons. Drink tea or water.
  • Second day: fresh or canned Vegetables. Preferably green vegetables. Do not eat legumes, peas or corn. In the evening you can eat a nice baked potato topped with olive oil. No fruit today.
  • Third day: fruits and vegetables. No potatoes today.
  • Fourth day: eat 3 bananas with low-fat milk and drink plenty of water with low mineral content. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates such as milk and the body needs them today. Also bananas satisfy the craving for sweet.
  • Fifth day: today with the soup you can eat 500 gr. meat (pork not) and 200/300 gr. 6vegetable or fresh tomatoes, all released during the day. Make sure to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water in order to eliminate the toxins from your body!
  • Sixth day: meat and vegetables as you want. It would be better if the vegetable is green.
  • Seventh day: rice, vegetables and fruit salad.

  • More eat soup and more get any slimmer. This is because they reduce the quantity of food ingested during the diet prevents the metabolism reduces his "work" and helps him continue to burn fat in the normal way.
  • The soup should always be eaten every day.
  • Do not replace the ingredients of the soup with other vegetables: this kind of diet works only with these vegetables.
  • If you work in the Office you can easily bring the soup at work in a thermos.
  • It is recommended that you do this diet for no more than a week. If you want to continue, make sure that there is at least a one-week break in which she eats normally.
  • Do this diet for a long period of time leads to undernourishment, and thus is harmful.
  • The diet can lose up to 7-8 kg in a week!

Personal notes:

I did this diet for the first time a couple of years ago. I had to (or at least I put absolutely mind to) lose weight in a short time and I wanted to try. I was able to follow the regime for two weeks (violating the advice not to do it for more than seven days),and then the third week I deleted the soup but I kept eating vegetables, proteins in the form of lean meat, eggs and vegetables, such as potatoes carbohydrates every now and then and a slice of bread in the morning, but no cheese. In three weeks I lost7 pounds, and I was very, very happy ... I also made daily walks for at least 30 minutes.

Why I am allowed to share with you this diet is because, although not an expert on the subject, I think it could benefit if done properly and do not prolong use. It's not so much the fact that with this diet you can lose so many pounds in a short time, as they promise many other diets, but the effect it has had on my body and on my well-being in General that makes me dare to advise her to others. Normally when changing a dieter starting a diet, you have to make account with effects, headaches and bouts of hunger. But not with this diet. Perhaps because the soup contains vegetables that will not only dampen the hunger but also support the body, help to eliminate toxins without feeling any deprivation. And at the end of the week you feel fine, beyond how many pounds I actually lost.

And now let's look at the pros and cons of this diet:

Pros: like I said has no side effects and is losing weight. The soup has a very good flavor in my opinion, but anyway you can adjust with herbs and spices. It only lasts a week and already see results. Contributes to the overall well-being of the organism.

Cons: I don't know if anyone has actually lost eight pounds in a week, but I certainly don't. Maybe that depends on initial weight from the height and weight of the person,by how many pounds you are overweight compared to their normal weight, etc. I don't really remember that lost in the first week, but definitely no more than 2 or 3 pounds.