In a few years we will eat insects?

Each year, nearly 70 million people are added to the world population.

If the upward trend continues at this rate, it is expected that by the year 2050 the population can reach the figure of 9 billion people and, to feed all those hungry mouths, you will need to produce much more food than we do today!

We will have to produce twice the food we produce today

This is a very complicated undertaking, whereas today we already have 70% of agricultural land to raise livestock, the oceans are much exploited, the environment is increasingly polluted and climate change are making agricultural production less stable and less predictable.

With almost a billion people suffering from hunger, it is clear that we must strive in every way to minimize food waste and make the production more efficient and sustainable.

One of the ways to reduce food wastage is to learn to eat properly!

And to do that you need to change their habits.

You can start with a small step, using the simple rules of the health.

Many argue, however, that a possible solution is to start eating insects!

You might turn up our noses at the idea but entomophagy (from Greek: consumption of insects) is a common practice that is taking place by tens of thousands of years.

About 2 billion people eat insects on a daily basis as part of their diet: consider that more than 1,900 species are edible!

The most commonly consumed are beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps and ants.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has recently produced a thorough report about edible insects which, at the very least, it is worth to consult.

Eat insects for years without our knowledge

If the idea of eating insects disgusts you, you might be surprised to discover that already eat them regularly.

In fact, just to name a few:

✔ in beer, the insect infestation limit allowed is 2500 aphids per 10 grams;

✔ in canned fruit juices is allowed the presence of a larva for 250 ml product;

✔ in curry is allowed the presence of fragments of insects;

and the list goes on.

So, why should you start to worry about now to eat insects?

The benefits of eating insects

In General, they are an excellent source of sustainable food, nutrients and are a breeder of insects would create many jobs, and thus income, at a historical moment in which the crisis is felt. In addition, insects are healthy. Although it might not seem, insects have a good fat and proteins, vitamins and fibers that make are comparable to fish and meat.

The crickets contain an average of 205 g/Kg while beef protein contains 256g/Kg.

A particular species of termites of Venezuela contains up to 64% of proteins and, from what says those who try, seem to have a good taste of Mint.

Insects are also rich in essential amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.

Some flour worms have as many omega 3 fish and even more of the beef and pork. The locusts contain up to 20 mg/100 g of iron while the meat only 6 mg/100 g.

Insects are "green"!

Their consumption, unlike meat, is more environmentally friendly. In fact, insects are cold-blooded and require less energy to maintain their internal body temperature, which means they are very efficient in converting what they eat!

To give an order of magnitude, the crickets require approximately 2 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of meat and cattle will require 8 kg. This means that less land must be used for the cultivation of feed for insects in relation to livestock, thus reducing the waste of water for irrigation and the use of pesticides.

The insects produce fewer greenhouse gases, such as methane.

In addition to what has been said so far, there are also many economic benefits in eating insects.
The production, processing and sale of insects is able to offer important opportunities for economic development in emerging Countries. Not only are these "novel foods"can improve their current diets, but they can also generate employment and income without requiring the use of particular technologies or equipment.

At this point you're probably all wondering:

"OK, but those who know bugs?"
From testimonies that you can find on the net their flavor seems to be rather tasty.

Some speak of bedbugs from the foul odor but Apple flavor, others of scorpions from China fish flavor to tarantulas in Cambodia from chicken flavor.

Obviously these are just opinions. To remove any doubt there is prove yourself!

Moreover, in the past we used to eat meat out of necessity, and now we need to also eat insects.

You already have in mind some recipe to prepare?