Probably the motto ' have salt in the Noggin ', refers to the fact that the lack of this important electrolyte, can also have a detrimental effect on mental faculties. A recent article (February 2015) of the Department of Physiology of Sport at the University of Madrid, confirms the role of this salt in maintenance of hydro-electrolytic balance.

ARTICLE: the aim was to assess the effectiveness of oral supplementation of salt during a Half Iron-man triathlon. triathlon Ventisei expert triathlon athletes were divided into two random groups, one that has been given a solution containing sodium 113mmol (and chlorine 112mmol) before and during a half iron-man competition and the other which was administered before and after a control without sodium solution (containing water and cellulose). During the race were collected samples of sweat and blood samples and conducted tests of strength. The total time of the duration of the race, was lower in the group that took salt, weight reduction at the end of the race, was lower in the group that took salt. While the salt concentration of sweat was equivalent in the two groups, the sodium concentration in the blood at the end of the race, was higher in the group that took over the control room.

Salt ingested during exercise, comes into the intra-vascular fluid and helps maintain the production of aldosterone and vasopressin, the stimulus increases thirst and decreases the amount of urine produced these effects associated with the ingestion of salt,electrolyte balance improves and stimulates the body water retention, ultimately, reducing the feeling of fatigue and medical issues associated with hydro-electrolyte imbalance in endurance disciplines.

Dorelle study shows that oral supplementation of salt has proven effective to decrease the loss of body weight and increase the serum concentration of electrolytes,while a half-Iron man race.

Comment: this article confirms the importance of sodium for the maintenance of body fluids and the prevention of hypothermia during endurance performances. I avail myself of this opportunity to stress that the primary criterion in choosing a salt supplement for ' while ' must be the presence of sodium, often missing in the formulation of supplements of minerals. To verify, check the ingredients on the label.