Five ways to lose weight without dieting

Tired of the same ineffective diet? There is something wrong if you cannot lose weight. On the understanding that physical activity is a duty to which we cannot subtract, here are five ways to lose weight without regaining the pounds:

Be optimistic

A new study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology shows that people in a good mood are more likely to choose less-caloric nutrients foods than those who are depressed. When we are in a good mood, optimism leads us to do long-term projects which also cover our body and our health. Be in a bad mood instead triggers a vicious negative leading to seek instant gratification, so the food often becomes a relief valve with negative consequences on the line.

Fruit breaks-fame

If during the day there is hunger you should eat snacks made from cranberries. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that eating cranberries blocks almost completely the effects of a diet too rich in fats, thus preventing weight gain while maintaining low blood sugar levels.

Slow down the pace

Nutrition experts advise against to devour fast food because the brain needs time to reflect the message of satiety (about 20 minutes). Therefore, the faster you eat, the greater the amount of food in the stomach that will inevitably lead to fat. Also:digestive problems may arise if the food has not been chewed well, your stomach will be harder to digest food.

8 hours sleep per night

Numerous studies have found a link between lack of sleep and obesity, but a recent study by the University of Colorado, found that only 5 hours sleep per night in a week leads to increase of two kilos in weight. The lack of adequate sleep can interfere with metabolism and propel you to eat more. Sleep is essential for health as a good diet and physical activity.

Test progress

Keeping a food diary is a weight loss technique, proven and effective: it is important to know at the end of each day, how many calories have been consumed with food until they become automatic and will not serve more the diary.