low calorie diet frugal

Some time ago someone pointed out to me that my recipes, though (obviously) are much economy, caloric, and thus not suitable for a balanced diet in dietary terms ... so that my recipes make you fat! Even here I already answered but I would like to expand the theme "diet" combined with that of "frugality" because I think it is of common interest.

I had already talked about this topic (here), explaining how to lose the extra pounds after the festive season. The point is to increase the supply of salad and vegetables,that are cheap (if we buy well) and reduce a little carbohydrates and fats, which saves itself further.

However, the fact that often my recipes seem to be (or are) but heat is also due to the fact that when you try to create a frugal menu and you have few ingredients, and you want to create tasty dishes, as we like to eat good Italian, perhaps using just those items that make you fat, like olive oil and seasoning sand to provide a feeling of satiety which are used more carbohydrates, which are cheaper than animal protein, cheese etc.

It is obvious that if we are to save money, and we have a small budget for food, the main purpose is to try to satiate themselves, and here there it rains. Diet or not diet,we eat and the money we are the ones who are.

But if you wish, without intentionally creating low-calorie dishes frugal to qualify who is dieting and follows my blog, can I still advise you to evaluate my recipes, and modify them according to your needs, for example Cook fried baked, use less oil, halve the portions and eat more vegetables cooked together for example mixed salad or steamed, not too spicy. The savings is there anyway and if you also makes physical activity, you will surely results.

Having said all this I would like to tell you my experience about "diet":

First of all I eat what place. Then all my recipes, heat or not are actually our lunches and dinners.

Then there is the fact that since January, for reasons too complicated to explain now,and Andrei also off topic, we decided to become vegan, or at least tends to be vegans. This means that sometimes if you also eat eggs and cheese, especially if we are invited we invited or, or for once goes there to eat a mozzarella or a piece of ham (like we did this summer with fresh sandwiches or salad type) or to use the Parmesan in a new recipe, etc. but this is not the norm and happens rarely. (I say that to my recipes of the war that I'm experiencing now I sometimes these products, because I realize that my readers are mostly "omnivores" and I do not intend to turn frugal living blog vegan).

In addition I have increased the supply of vegetables, wholemeal products introduced,like pasta, flour for making bread, and rice, and also increased fruit consumption, and for some it might seem but caloric is not (for the total lack of fat), it stimulates your metabolism and help you lose weight, and reduced sugar. Well after almost 10 months of this "diet" that actually isn't diet because I really ate a lot, do you know how many pounds I lost?


And I lost because I was overweight, back to my normal weight, that is what I had before having my daughter. And she, who ate like me, did not lose anything, and remained in his ideal weight.

For those who want to lose weight then it needs to save money on food, I can do nothing but recommend a vegan diet. The majority of fats are found in animal flesh, butter, cream, milk, cheese, eggs, and these things "normal" power is full!! Try it to believe it. And then the savings is significant.