Diet, here are the grease food

These are the costume test but there is still some possibility of being able to lose weight at least fair points, thanks to a diet made of anti-fat foods: those particular foods that help fight abdominal fat.

Here's what:
  • Celery is known for its cholesterol-lowering properties and antipertensive, diuretic and digestive properties. Moreover, it is rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
  • Cauliflower with high fiber content, this particular category of vegetables are good supplements of vitamin C and antioxidants. Cauliflower, given its low Glycemic, is the ingredient recommended for a last-minute diet to lose weight quickly, as it reduces the absorption of fats.
  • Fennel filled with vitamins and minerals, contains Phytoestrogens, natural estrogen that fight abdominal fat accumulation.
  • Poor tomato there are calories, tomato is mineralized, vitaminic, digestive and diuretic and depurative.
  • Thanks to black pepper piperine, the substance that makes the "spicy" pepper, black pepper combats the accumulation of abdominal fat and helps lose weight very quickly,raising the internal temperature of the body, which helps to burn fat very quickly.