Low carb diet

From a theoretical point of view, low carb diets are those food models that predict a low carbohydrate intake. In fact, it is important to understand that there are two different reasons to use low carb strategy.

The first motivation is to focus on the phenomenon of ketosis (accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood, also known as ketonemia phenomenon; the ketone bodies are produced when the body burns fat for energy purposes) and gives rise to the so-called chetogenic diets, often referred to as why they hyperproteic is also fundamental a high protein (although in reality the ketosis can cause even with the highest fat intake and low intake of protein and carbohydrates).

The second motivation is to give priority to the study of the mechanism of insulin. Food models that are based on this principle are the real low carb models; We can cites examples the Atkins diet, diet, diet metabolic Montignac diet or astronaut.

How does a low carb diet

Referring to the articles of the corresponding food models, in General, a low carb dietwants to curb the insulin mechanism (insulin is produced by the pancreas and its secretion when you have an increased blood glucose concentration); insulin, in fact, is particularly daemonized by supporters of low carb diets and such schemes are based essentially on the glycemic index of foods (the lower the glycemic index better...). In reality things are much more complex and, as explained in our article on the insulin index, it is said that a low-glycemic index foods have a low insulin index.

There is no doubt that low carb diets show (at least initially) some effectiveness, but this doesn't happen for the reasons given by their supporters, but because, by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, there is a significant reduction in calorie intake. Let's clarify this concept. A good portion of people (at least in our country) adopts a dietary carbohydrate intake equal (if not more...) to 60%; If, by adopting a low carbregime, part this percentage to half, reduce the caloric intake; you could argue that what is removed in carbohydrates is compensated by taking more fats and proteins,but in reality, you don't get to compensate for entirely calorie reduction obtained by reducing carbohydrates because, generally speaking, protein foods have a much less palatable than glycidic (are those who never would give up pasta and bread but hardly would consume daily roasted meat).

The low carb diet work?

low carb Force diet you can get some weight loss temporarily, but, for sure, a low carb diet is not the best for your health. In fact, as are structured, low carb are unable to ensure the body what it needs. Depending on the different types of low carb diet(remember that the models proposed are numerous), the glycidic supply fluctuates by30 (this is the case of the most extreme models) to 120 g per day. These quantities cannot be deemed sufficient nor salutistically for a sedentary person (which, on average, need a daily glycidic intake ranging from 140 to 180 g) nor to a person who practices physical activity in middle-high level (which inquiries are clearly major and glucides can be quantified on average in about 250-300 g per day). Now, the sedentary person could avoid major problems and that is why many sedentary let themselves be seduced by these proposals drawn from results in the short term, but what do we do with a sports person? There is no doubt that whoever carries out a physical activity medium-high level could not endure for a long time a low carbregime unless the price of a considerable deterioration in its performance.

As well as sedentary, low carb diets are also adopted by those who train with weights and you delude of obtaining who knows what metabolic advantages; the flaw in their reasoning is constituted by the fact that their task, as they consider it the other way around, is not expensive in terms of energy (and, moreover, for nothing stimulating cardiovascular point of view) and consequently do not experience all of those problems would be encountered if the intensity of their activity was at least average.

What we must realize is that eating healthy (and that allowed the low carb diet can be defined "healthy eating") is not enough to have a great life style; It is also necessary to practice a sporting activity at medium intensity and such activity is incompatible with a low carb diet (there's a certain level athletes who practice such diets).

In other words, whatever you say,

those who follow a low carb diet fails to have a good lifestyle.