What do you know about Celiac disease?

Celiac disease, gluten sensitive enteropathy, is a situation of damage that suffers from the mucosa of the upper intestine, depending on an immune process caused by wheat gluten and the prolamins of other cereals, particularly rye and barley, resulting in inadequate digestion and absorption of nutrients. If there is a genetic predisposition (markers DQ2 and DQ8), it will be necessary to perform a test serological (antibody Immunology) and especially the realization of at least one intestinal biopsy, in order to be able to diagnose the disease and its clinical form.

A strict diet without gluten leads to a clinical, histological and functional standards. It is a disease of for life, and that gluten intolerance is permanent, so it is essential to know to inform the patient that the diet is the key to not suffer the adverse effects of the disease and live a completely normal life.

The recommendations from the Ministry of health and consumption, in terms of the realization of the diet, are:
  • Flours and allowed thickeners for sauces, etc. will be rice, corn or potato.
  • The frying oil must always be clean and first use to prevent other food waste.
  • Tomato sauces, broths, the French fries, burgers or meatballs will be natural and madeexpressly in the kitchen (non-commercial) or special products.
  • Used pasta will be special for diet without gluten.
  • Bouillon cubes of meat, poultry, vegetables or fish should not be eaten.
  • Once opened the package of a unique product without gluten, not do remove the tagor empty container in canisters kitchen since it can lead to confusion.
  • Always use clean cooking utensils. Do not use the same spoon to prepare a dish thatcontains gluten and another that does not.
  • Vegetables can Saute with garlic or onion.
  • Using dyes and tomato fried, make sure that you do not have gluten.
  • The celiac can take all kinds of foods that do not contain gluten in their origin: meats,fish, eggs, milk, cereals without gluten (rice and corn), legumes, tubers, fruits,vegetables, edible fat and sugar.
  • To purchase products manufactured or packaged, should always check therelationship of ingredients listed on the label.
  • It should be checked, periodically, the list of gluten-free foods, which periodicallyupdates the Federation of associations for Celiacs, in each autonomous community.