We were about to enjoy a healthy and balanced meal of Saturday made by my mother,while my father asked if we wanted to drink wine or beer. Commented them that they had released a documentary that I wanted to see, called "Fed up" (tired), in which alleged deception that American society is suffering thinking that it is feeding properly to consume products that are labeled with words such as "light", "natural", "good for health", "fiberglass". These foods are all a lie for the consumer because they are full of sugar, whose amount is not required to specify, and its high consumption contributes to the prevalence of obesity and diabetes.
Are we manipulated by the food industry?
We are informed or, conversely, uninformed?, who choose the foods that we eat?
My mother, said that she thought that the society was uninformed, rather the opposite, that today there is enough information about food, but very little interest from the population worry about doing things well. Opinion which I share, but with nuances.
I cared much the opinion of my father, sociologist and Gastronome, and which could perhaps contribute to the debate any sociological theory which explain what is happening. But that day was little talkative. He explained his theory that it is a pleasure to eat and should heed the recommendations based on culinary traditions, as the drink half a liter of wine at mealtimes, because "it is good for health". Explain you that this recommendation is currently in question, that of half a liter nothing, which in any case one or two cups, and profitability that can have the resveratrol (antioxidant present in red wine, whose only action is tested in rodents) for the organism, it counteracts with the oxidizing action of alcohol. In addition, the who (World Health Organization), has pointed out in a recent report on the consumption of alcohol and health in the world, that harmful alcohol consumption is responsible for a large number of deaths and cancers.
At this point, I was a bit fed up. Which the nutritionists-Dietitians do little case in our houses, is a defect of formation that almost all suffered, and that we have to learn to live.
We live in a time where there is a lot of information about the foods they consume,their properties, their ingredients, its benefits for health, etc. What happens, is that many times this information is not understood (personally to my cost me many times interpreted certain labeling or food ads), manipulated or even false. This makes people believe in "things that are said out there" or in television commercials, and maybe committing a serious mistake for his health in deciding to put them into practice.
Popular beliefs about foods, their health benefits, certain forms of eating them or cook them, are sometimes correct, as it is the case when you choose take lentils with rice and thus be taking a high-quality vegetable protein. But other times, they are not so successful, as we have seen in the case of "eating the glass of red wine".
Inform you well before you believe anything you read in a magazine or see on television, most times, is not what it seems. Check out the labels and recommendations of consumption of foods that are part of your diet. But, above all, I know yourself which choose what you eat.