What do the Statistics say?
If we are talking about figures, iron deficiency anemia is the eating disorder most prevalent in the world and although its prevalence varies according to the socio-economic conditions, lifestyle and culture, exists both in industrialized and underdeveloped countries. Anemia affects about 50% of pregnant women in the world: 52 per cent of countries in the process of development and 23% of developed countries.
What is anemia?
Anemia occurs when the blood has less hemoglobin than normal. And then, wonder what is hemoglobin? It is a pigment that gives red blood cells their characteristic red color, forms of a protein linked to iron and carries oxygen in the blood to all parts of the body.
Why is does anemia in pregnancy?
In the majority of cases the diet is the cause, although it can also occur for other reasons as lost regular blood, parasites or heredity. As we have seen, the most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency, but not necessarily has to be because the consumption of food iron is low. A deficit of folic acid, vitamin B12 and protein canals cause anemia. Vitamin A deficiency affects the levels of hemoglobin. In addition,there are other nutrients needed both to increase the absorption of iron to produced blood cells, it is the case of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), vitamin E, copper, and pyridoxine.
Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia
Since hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout the body, its signs and symptoms are associated with it: tiredness, fatigue, laziness, choking, dizziness, pallor of the mucous membranes and under nails, lower concentration and learning, headache, and palpitations. It also alters the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infection.
Risk of anemia due to a lack of iron in pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy nutrient requirements increase, not surprisingly, pregnant women have to cover their needs and those of the fetus. In the last six months of pregnancy,the future baby increasingly need more iron to your development by what the mother has to make a number of sufficient iron to meet the demand of both. If iron stores are reduced and the absorption of food iron, can be affected the growth of the child and the mother experiencing fatigue, cognitive disorders, and certain depression affecting at the same time, the interaction between them.
In infancy, the situation is similar, the mother needs increase to cover his and the loss of nutrients, the first colostrum and breast milk then. Joins this, low deposits of iron of the mother since they tend to be depleted due to the expense of iron during pregnancy and the loss of blood at birth. All emphasized the situation of anemia more and more evident its signs and symptoms.
What can you do?
Iron deficiency anemia can be prevented. It is true that during pregnancy and after childbirth iron levels are controlled and in many cases are given supplements to pregnant and lactating women, but still, a correct intake of iron from food is important. To do so, should take into account three aspects: eating foods rich in iron(meat, viscera, Sesame, shellfish, vegetables, vegetables of green leaf, whole grains,nuts, seaweed, dried figs), accompany these with other rich in vitamin C to increase its absorption (Orange, Tangerine, kiwi, strawberries, peppers, broccoli) and avoid taking them along with others that decrease the absorption of iron (tea(, coffee, egg, spinach,Bran). Here are some tips to put into practice:
-It is a dish of vegetables with a tomato and pepper salad.
-It takes fresh fruit every day.
-Made salads of brown rice with vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or pepper.
-Includes steak or mussels meat once a week.
-If you put hard boiled egg cooked don't put the yolk.
-Try not to take tea or coffee after a meal rich in iron.
-Accompany whole grain cereals of breakfast with a fresh orange juice.
-Add nuts such as almonds to the salad.
-Mix or taking foods rich in iron with meat in the same meal.
You know that...
During the gestation and lactation most women do not have menstruation to reduce the losses of iron.