6 Foods You Should Never Eat

A healthy diet should revolve around plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. That’s no secret. However, what about the foods that you should never touch? Is there a black list of foods that should be avoided like the plague?

Well the answers are trickier. Just ask two nutritionists and you will definitely get conflicting answers. Nevertheless, there are some foods that most health experts agree on since the scientific proof again the consumption of is sound and the evidence is mounting. You just can’t deny it.

Here is a list of the worst foods you can ever eat along with healthier alternatives.

Bottled juice

Even though that vegetables and fruits are usually associated thing with total health, there is nothing healthy about bottle juice. Made mainly with high fructose corn syrup, additive colors and artificial flavors, bottle juice is one of the leading causes of obesity, diabetes and a host of other health troubles.

Therefore, you are better off drinking milk, or making your own fruit juice in the comfort of your home. At least you will get to control (mostly) what you put in that glass.

Energy bars

When it comes to energy bars, the shiny packages can be quite misleading. Just because they claim that they are full with vitamin and minerals, energy bars are not certainly a healthy option.  Energy bars are mainly made with additives, artificial sweeteners, enriched white flour, and processed ingredients with little nutritional value.

They are nothing more than glorified candy bars.

Plus, the stuff is high in calories and saturated fat, too, taking a toll on your waistline.

Therefore, you are better off not consuming the stuff in the first place. If you are looking for a source of energy but don’t have the time to sit for a full meal, then opt for a real and tasty dessert. An apple, a bunch or dried fruits or nuts are some of the healthiest snacking options to keep your energy levels soaring high, and helping you feel full until your next meal.

Fat-free salad dressings

If you are trying to lose some weight and boost your health status, then there is nothing healthier than a salad. The raw fruits and vegetables that make the cornerstone of any salad are packed with fiber, nutrients, vitamins and water—helping your body function at its best. Nevertheless, if you are in the habit of adding fat-free dressings to your salad, then you are mostly defeating the purpose of healthy eating.

According to Molecular Nutrition & Food research, the so-called low fat and non-fat dressings may be hindering your body from getting the maximum benefits of the many health-boosting nutrients that make salad such a healthy choice. Plus, most of these diet options are high on fructose corn syrup and artificial additives, which can take its toll on your health and wellbeing.

As a result, don’t compromise your veggies. Eat your salad without adding all the unnecessary calories and fats. If you are inclined to add some taste to your plates, then make your own oil-based dressing. You could also top in some slices of avocado or any other tasty fruit you like to make the salad for more taste and nutrients.

Hot Dogs

Most people looking for a fast and quick way to satisfy hunger reach for hot dogs. Nevertheless, that’s a wrong health decision. In fact, consuming hot dogs on a regular basis has been linked to cancer, severe headaches, hear diseases, leukemia, allergic reactions, diabetes, lymphoma and host of other health ailments.

Hot dogs are high in nitrate and sodium nitrate and other synthetic materials, which have been linked to all sorts of cancer and other health troubles. And if you think that natural hot dogs are safer, then you are heading on the wrong direction. In fact, the stuff has anywhere from one-half to 10 times the quantity of nitrite that traditional hot dogs contain, according to study published in The Journal of Food Protection.

Therefore, if you are not willing to give up on your hot dogs habit, then limit the intake to only sporadic treats instead of a daily indulgence. Make sure to purchase hot dogs made with as many natural ingredients as possible and fewer additives to avoid these unhealthy effects.

Nevertheless, you are always better off opting for a real and healthy snacking treat. Try a real dessert like a handful of nuts or dried fruits.

White Bread

When it comes to a food that can wreak havoc on health and well-being, white bread is one of the main culprits. Mainly made with simple carbohydrates, eating white bread skyrockets blood sugar levels, leading to unhealthy cravings and overeating. In fact, eating the stuff can boost your blood sugar faster than a candy bar.

White bread is just glorified cupcake. Junk food at its worst. This food has been linked to belly fat, type II diabetes and a plethora of health trouble. In fact, according the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the worryingly increasing consumption of refined carbs and the decrease in fiber intake are likely accountable in part for the upsurge in type II diabetes in the U.S..

Therefore, do your best to cut out—or limit— the consumption of white bread. Try consuming a type of bread that is made with a blend of refined flour and whole grain flour with added fiber. If you still crave the taste of white bread, then try out white whole wheat. Sprouted grain breads are also an option.

But the rule of thumb is to limit your consumption of the stuff. Even the whole grain option have their set of bad side effects.

No fast foods

Most fast food is bad food. And indulging in it will only spell disaster on your health and wellbeing. In fact, the fast food industry is mainly to blame for the current obesity pandemic and a host of other health troubles. The typical fast food is mainly made from food dyes, artificial sweeteners, and other bad additives that will take a toll on your body and mind. It’s just a junk of high amount of fat, sugars and sodium.

As a result, you are better off steering clear of the McDonald’s and similar fast food chains. To get rid of fast food eating habits, you need to shift your mindset as well. You need to learn how delete instant gratification and actually get into the cooking process of making food.

Learning to cook your own meals in the comfort of your home is the way to go if you are looking to get the most out of your eating choices. Cooking is an art. And it’s a bit hard to learn. However, once you get to it, and you start enjoying the food coming out from your own efforts, you will never look back.