Amazing Coconut Oil For Your Health

We all know that coconut oil has numerous cosmetic applications, but few of us know of its medicinal properties and health benefits. Coconut oil can be used as a home remedy to treat a variety of ailments. Here are some simple home remedies that use coconut oil:

Sports drink: Coconut oil provides a quick energy boost in the form of MCFA fats. So, you can replace the sugary sports drinks with a natural and healthy sports drink made just by adding coconut oil, chia seeds and some fruits to water.

Fight Inflammation: Coconut oil in its unrefined form without any heating or chemicals is believed to prevent and fight chronic inflammation. It promotes kidney and liver health. Research has also shown that regular consumption of virgin coconut oil helps fight inflammation and prevents chronic diseases caused by inflammation.

Boosts immune system: Coconut oil contains capric acid, caprylic acid, and lauric acid. This makes it potent anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that give a boost to immune system. It helps the immune system ward off infections and diseases.

Promotes healthy bones and reduces osteoporosis risk: oxidative stress and free radicals are responsible for the development of various metabolic disorders including osteoporosis. Research has shown that virgin coconut oil helps maintain healthy bone structure and prevents bone loss. These properties are however exhibited only by virgin coconut oil, because it contains polyphenols and has high anti oxidant properties.

Aids better sleep: Need better sleep? You can use coconut oil as a carrier oil for home remedies using essential oils such as chamomile oil and lavender oil. These soothing home remedies can reduce anxiety help you sleep better.

Fights acne: If you have a serious acne problem, then try coconut oil before you try any harsh chemicals on your face. The anti-bacterial properties of coconut oil make it a good acne fighter. For better results, you can add raw honey or tree oil to it.

Promotes brain health and helps treat Alzheimer’s: Research shows that coconut oil can be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s. The study shows that taking a tablespoon of coconut oil thrice a day can help Alzheimer’s.

Fights candida: Coconut oil is rich in anti-microbial properties because of the presence of caprylic acid. This can kill candida and yeast. A recent study has shown that 100% concentration, coconut oil can fight candida better than the drug flucanazole can. You can apply coconut oil directly to the affected area or include it in your diet.

Burns fat: Coconut oil is rich in medium chain triglycerides and is shown to support weight loss and helps the body burn fat. Even though you may be surprised how fat can help lose weight, but try adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to your diet and you may start noticing a reduction in abdominal fat. Research has shown that consumption of medium chain triglyceride oils is more effective for weight loss compared to olive oil.

Cancer fighting properties: Medium chain triglycerides that coconut oil is rich in are known to have a strong anti-tumor effect. It also helps maintain a normal immune system. So, regular consumption of coconut oil can help prevent certain types of cancer.

Cold and Flu Prevention and Relief: The anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties of coconut oil make it effective for prevention and relief from cold and flu. Just add a bit of coconut oil to your smoothies or teas for relief from cold and flu.

Immunity: Coconut oil helps strengthen the immune system. It helps figth bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases such as influenza, herpes, and even HIV. It is also effective against harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia, and bacteria such as helicobacter pylori and listeria monocytogenes. It kills bacteria that cause throat infections, ulcers, urinary tract infections, gonorrhoea, and pneumonia.

Prevents diabetes and stabilises blood sugar: Research has shown that coconut oil helps balance blood sugar levels and helps improve diabetes. It encourages insulin secretion from the pancreas. Therefore, it is helpful in insulin resistance and preventing obesity.

Naturally balance hormones: Coconut oil contains healthy fats that support adrenal and thyroid glands that can lower cortisol and balance hormones. It promotes healthy metabolism and suppresses inflammation, thus balancing hormones.

Supports the digestive system: Coconut oil possesses anti-bacterial properties and promotes the growth of probiotics. This helps treat leaky gut. Its antibiotic properties prevent the growth of fungi and parasites and aids better absorption of nutrients.

Effective treatment for psoriasis and eczema: If you have dry and flaky skin, then just apply a little coconut oil to the affected areas and it will treat psoriasis and eczema. For added benefits, you can add germanium oil and shea butter to the coconut oil.

Fights heart diseases: Although coconut oil was once notorious for its saturated fat content, but latest research shows that its medium chain triglycerides promotes heart health and helps treat hypertension.

Relieves constipation: If you suffer from chronic bloating and constipation, then you need to try coconut oil. Just a tablespoon of coconut oil before going to bed or in the morning can regulate bowel movement. Coconut oil gets absorbed into the digestive tract and kills harmful bacteria allowing the healthy bacteria to re-balance.

Naturally balance cholesterol levels: Coconut oil contains healthy fats that lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, and in turn promote cardiovascular health. A study shows that consumption of coconut oil increases HDL cholesterol and improves cholesterol ratio.

Speed wound healing: Coconut oil possesses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can help wounds heal faster. Just apply a little coconut oil directly on to the wounds and it will prevent and clear up infection.

Relieves bug bites: Due to its anti inflammatory properties, coconut oil is a good antidote for bug bites. Just apply some coconut oil directly on to the bite area and it will give instant relief.

Soothe eczema outbreak and chicken pox: If your skin is itching because of eczema breakout, then just apply a bit of coconut oil for relief. It can also provide relief from itching in chicken pox.

Treatment for heartburn and acid reflux: Coconut oil can soothe your oesophagus and help treat heartburn.

Relives toothache: Mix two parts of clove oil to a part of coconut oil and apply it to the affected area with the help of a cotton swab. It is known to provide instant relief.

Treatment for canker sores: Canker sores are a common problem of the mouth and can be extremely painful. Just apply a little coconut oil on to the sore area and it will speed up healing.

Prevents and treats cold sores: Coconut oil cannot just prevent cold sores, but it can also help treat them.

Natural treatment for haemorrhoids: coconut oil has soothing properties that can help treat haemorrhoids.

Remove wax build up from ears: If you have excess wax build up in your ears, then try a drop or two of coconut oil. Just tilt your head and use a dropper to put 1-2 drops into the ear. After sometime, just tilt the head other way and let the oil and wax drain out.

Relieves cough and sore throat: You can relieve sore throat pain by just swirling some coconut oil mixed with honey in your mouth and then slowly swallowing the mixture. It soothes the sore throat and gives immediate relief. To reduce cough, add some warm water and lemon juice to the mixture and drink it slowly before going to bed.

Fights allergies: If you suffer from hay fever or any other respiratory allergies, then just apply a little coconut oil into the nostrils and it will offer quick relief from the symptoms.

Natural treatment for seizures: Some experts believe that medium chain triglycerides could be as helpful as ketogenic diet in the treatment of seizures. Coconut oil mixed with MCT oil taken thrice a day can help control seizures by boosting the keytone concentration the blood.

Improves blood circulation: Coconut oil is known to improve blood circulation and prevent many cardiovascular problems.

Infections: Coconut oil has powerful ability to kill bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, pneumonia and acne. It can also kill viruses that cause hepatitis C, flu and measles. It is also know to be effective in fighting some antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Remedy for pink eye: if you have a pink eye, then before trying antibiotics or other treatments, just try some coconut oil. Just dab a little oil on to the eyelids, and follow up with a cold or warm compress. It reduces swelling and soothes itchy eyes.

Improves lung function: Coconut oil has been shown to increase the fluidity of cell surfaces and boost lung function.

Treats menopause related hot flushes: Taking a tablespoon or two of coconut oil can provide relief from hot flash symptoms during menopause.

Prevent adrenal fatigue: By including coconut oil in diet you can prevent adrenal fatigue and get an energy boost. If you feel chronically stressed or tired, coconut oil can work wonders for you.

Reduce the symptoms of arthritis: The inflammation of joints in people with arthritis can cause significant pain. Research has shown that coconut oil can be used as an effective remedy for arthritis pain. Coconut oil has been shown to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and relieving the symptoms.

Promotes calcium and magnesium absorption: Calcium plays a critical role in many body systems and is essential for healthy bones. If you have problem absorbing calcium then coconut oil can be of great help. It also boosts magnesium absorption, thus preventing and relieving many health problems such as constipation, hormonal imbalance, migraines, and more.

Natural remedy for Urinary Tract Infection: Antimicrobial properties of coconut oil make it effective against urinary tract infections. A tablespoon of coconut oil thrice a day can help treat UTI.

Prevent nose bleeds: If your nose tends to become dry easily and you suffer from frequent nose bleeds, then just dab a little coconut oil in the nostrils. It will protect the capillaries and prevent nose bleeds.

Treatment for enlarged prostate: Research has shown that coconut oil could be effective in treating enlarged prostate. Regular consumption of coconut oil can prevent and treat symptoms of enlarged prostate.

Other health benefits: Coconut oil offers protection against a variety of health problems including heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, liver and kidney diseases, some types of cancers, osteoporosis, skin infections and dental decay. It is also known to relieve symptoms associated with several serious illnesses including pancreatitis, chronic inflammation, cystic fibrosis (difficulty in absorbing nutrients and breathing), Crohn’s disease, prostate enlargement, stomach ulcers, constipation, and ulcerative colitis.

Pet care: Coconut oil does not just work for humans; it works great on pets as well. Adding a little coconut oil to their diet helps digestive problems. You can apply coconut oil tropically to treat irritations, skin allergies and wounds.